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Author Topic: Orange allergy  (Read 86034 times)


Offline Snifflesandsneezes

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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2011, 04:43:27 PM »
Another thought, you mention you're allergic to pistachio.  Since mango is closely related to pistachio (and cashew), often people are allergic to both.  It may be that you can usually tolerate mango, but if you have other stuff going on with your immune system you might not tolerate it then.  I wonder if that could have been a contributing factor to your reaction?  Also, have you considered that the stuffiness and stomach pain could be unrelated?  Stuffiness from a reaction to the smoothie and stomach something else - virus, indigestion, gall bladder, etc.  Maybe whatever was causing the stomach pain left you vulnerable to a reaction to the mango that you normally would not have?

Oh believe me lol I read all about the proteins in mango and pistachio's when I found out they were related because I love mango and would have really hated to have to give that up! Thankfully like with the orange I've never had a reaction of any kind to mangoes. Thank goodness!

But, yes my first thought was that my stomach burning was just heartburn that's why I didn't set the cup down immediately. I didn't even think allergic reaction until days later. But, yes I did think initially that all were separate symptoms.


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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2012, 06:39:52 PM »
Sniffles and Sneezes. I also have allergy to oranges. I am fine with all other citrus except tangelos and oranges and my reactions are similar to the original post. Intense stomach ache. Since I have at least a dozen active food allergies, and all cause DIFFERENT symptoms, and all have been also substantiated with skin testing, I can say absolutely, that anaphylaxis is not the only indicator of an allergy.  And food allergies can have lasting effects on the victim for days. Other posts have been, IMO, way off base here. I hope by now, Sniffles and Sneezes has eliminated oranges from her life and no longer is having these symptoms. Kudos, gal. 


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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2012, 09:26:28 PM »
I have an orange allergy.  Last time I had anything containing oranges, I was in Florida.  Me and my mom were at a welcome center were they were giving away free samples of Florida Natural orange juice.  My mom convinced me to try some, I took a couple sips and felt fine.  About 20 or so minutes later, my stomach started to really hurt and my nose was getting runny.  My mom gave me some medicine and by the next day I felt basically normal again.  That, and the fact that I always got stomach aches and diarreha after eating orange chicken, led us to believe that I had an allergy.  People who have it have different reactions that can last for varying lengths of time.  You should get an allergy test if you think that you do.  Like I can eat lemon flavoring, but I can't have the fruit or juice of lemons, tangerines, or limes.  Allergies are very weird and you should go talk to your doctor.  It could also be an intolerance as well, or merely a virus.  If you really want to know, go to the doctor and bring an orange with you, something should happen.


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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2013, 06:19:39 AM »
Just a thought. Any non-organic, paste tied orange juice puts my body in distress every time, but since I started buying organic oranges and squeezing them myself, no issues whas so ever... Have you tried this? Also, in many smoothies they put yogurts. I can't have any dairy, even in your form. I know the real ingredients for an Orange Julius includes processed orange juice, whole milk powder and egg whites, none of which are organic.


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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2013, 06:22:13 AM »
Just a thought. Any non-organic, pasterized orange juice puts my body in distress every time, but since I started buying organic oranges and squeezing them myself, no issues whas so ever... Have you tried this? Also, in many smoothies they put yogurts. I can't have any dairy, even in your form. I know the real ingredients for an Orange Julius includes processed orange juice, whole milk powder and egg whites, none of which are organic.

Offline CMdeux

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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2013, 10:17:56 AM »
In the event that a person is allergic to a food, eating the food in other forms-- or from other sources (organic, local, home-grown, etc) is dangerous.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard this dangerous and ignorant bit of advice, however-- "try organic {allergen} and you won't be allergic to that."

Resistance isn't futile.  It's voltage divided by current. 

Western U.S.


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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2014, 02:21:25 PM »
Please ignore the virus suggestion and go get checked for EOE as for years I had wonderful people telling me I had a virus or a cold or indigestion and EOE is NOT INDIGESTION as the pain can be so extreme and can cause stomach pain and/or pain so bad in your chest you may think you are having a heart attack. I am allergic to Oranges and they give me a headache, stuff me up and I get pain in chest and stomach.

Reactions depend on how allergic you are PLUS immunity level. So if you are weaker sure you can have a long reaction. Take some benadryl and of course you improve with rest when you are allergic because your body goes to war and its soldiers get tired. You will feel wiped out after an allergy attack.


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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2014, 10:14:43 PM »
I have problems whenever I eat oranges, too. That's what brought me here.

I avidly read your description because I always have problems whenever I eat oranges, tangerines, cuties or anything like that. Everyone always insists they know better than I do what's causing it, claiming it has to be the citrus, the sugars, etc. But I can eat lemon, pineapple, lime, and pretty much all other types of fruit, and had no reactions, but oranges get me every time.

Around middle school is when it started, at first I ignored it, thinking that I was just getting headaches from my glasses or something. As I entered high school I started getting stronger reactions. I LOVED oranges, and often ate them with lunch. Slowly the headaches got worse and I figured out that the oranges were causing them. I didn't finally swear off of them until I started getting stomach issues in addition to the headaches. I still had orange juice every now and again, but each time it caused the same symptoms; headache, stomach ache, even vomiting. After vomiting, my tummy would feel better but the headache would take a while to subside.

After three years of avoiding oranges, my boyfriend opened a tangerine, and I asked for a little slice, thinking I missed the taste and that maybe I'm over it.... I was dead wrong, my stomach immediately started hurting very badly and my head started pounding, I had to throw it up to stop the reaction. :( So whatever you have, it's not an illness, no, but it's probably similar to me. Maybe it slowly took on, like my allergy, which is why you hadn't noticed it before


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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2014, 09:42:23 PM »
So the exact same thing happens to me!! I am so tired of researching this subject really as there seems to be no information on the internet specific to my 'condition' if you will. Also hearing from all the 'experts'  what it might be! What it is - It is not a skin allergy. It is not a citrus allergy. It is not a virus going around. It is simply my body hating oranges and responding with a headache, stomache reactions, tiredness, sore throat and sinus overload. I go from completely healthy to ill in about an hour after drinking orange juice/eating oranges. Funny thing though - every time (over the last ten/fifteen years or so) my sinusses acted up - I would 'remedy' myself with oranges trying to avoid the flu. And I could never understand how my flu could turn to serious bronchio in a couple of hours! Oranges!! So ignore the smarties on the internet. Avoid oranges! I completely empathize with you Take care x

Offline Macabre

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Me: Sesame, shellfish, chamomile, sage
DS: Peanuts


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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2014, 01:36:22 PM »
Ten years ago I started having problems with allergies I'd never had before. Environmental and food allergies. It was really surprising. When I had the skin test I tested positive for oranges. I never remembered getting hives or anything from oranges before. The nurse told me that if I had't had any reactions I could still eat them even if the test showed positive. I didn't do that. I stayed away from oranges. Period.

About a week ago I was out and got a mango smoothie. It had an orange slice on the cup and it had a straw. I figured no big deal I just wouldn't eat the orange. As I drank the smoothie I became aware that the whipped cream on top tasted very much like a dreamsicle with orange and cream. I drank 80%  of the smoothie. My stomach started to burn. I was uncomfortable and had to stop drinking it. Within I'd say an hour or two my nose became very congested. I didn't make any connections. I got a splitting headache and I noticed much of it was sinus.

I went to bed with the headache and when I woke up it was 80% gone. As the day wore on it started to hurt more again. I noticed that the burning sensation in my stomach kept bothering me off and on for days. Today my stomach has been burning again. I started thinking when did my stomach first start burning anyway? And then I remembered. I thought about the orange slice and taste in my drink a week ago. I got curious about the reactions for an allergy to oranges so, I looked up the symptoms. The first site I found listed stomach pain, congestion and headache. Among other things like hives as well. I don't have any hives. So, it would appear that for the past week I've been having an allergic reaction to oranges? My question is this.. does anyone else have this allergy and if so, how long does the reaction usually last? Any input would be appreciated :).


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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2015, 10:10:25 AM »
I have an allergy to oranges too. Though I get hives and my tongues swells and I have trouble breathing and swallowing. Everyone gets a different reaction. My reaction lasts about a day or depending how severe a week. Whats interesting though is that I am able to eat tangerines, which is quite odd, but for you I would suggest trying those if you miss oranges maybe you'll be able to eat them too. I hope you feel better soon!


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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2016, 07:07:50 AM »
The weird thing is even I'm suddenly severely allergic to oranges. I used to love the fruit and have it all the time, in all the forms.

Offline StridAst

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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2016, 01:07:21 AM »
That's the most frustrating part about adult onset allergies. The "but I LOVE eating x" feeling.  The walking past the candy isle and seeing Reese's pieces and thinking "that sounds so good right now".

One thing I want to add to this thread now that I see it.  The OP was talking about eating oranges and having prolonged gastrointestinal distress and stuffy nose after.  I personally get bad stomach pain after food that had one of my allergens in it.  Turned out to be EoE.  Symptoms of an allergic reaction can last for days.  The last time I knowingly ate a peanut was my first reaction to them.  I had hives from my armpits to the tops of my feet for 10 days straight. (Enjoyed peanuts for my entire life before that). The last time I had a reaction to peanuts was cross contamination. Someone ate peanuts, then reached into a bag of Cheetos to snag one. That time the hives only lasted 6 days. Still covered most of my body.   BOTH times I had stomach issues off and on for the duration of the hives.  both times I had trouble swallowing for a while after too.

Reactions to: chickpeas, peanuts, onion, garlic, sunflower, safflower, peas, cherry, almonds and probably soy
Tested positive for, allergy unconfirmed:  beef, carrots, beans, milk, apples, raspberry.
Asthma, EE also

Oranges and 6 month rash

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Re: Orange allergy
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2016, 10:44:46 PM »
In middle school I had a rash all over torso and legs itched but didn't go away . I drank orange juice every morning  for breakfast . My mom took me to skin,specialist . They thought maybe leukemia. Spinal tap proved negative . Still the rash stayed . I stopped drinking orange juice  it went away. So I was tested as an adult for allergies  .Dr said any foods  u think we should test I suggested milk and oranges positive to both .  Now those confirmed along with 90 out of the 100 tested . I still think eggs chicken should be tested.