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Author Topic: Testing Question  (Read 2298 times)


Offline bramblef

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Testing Question
« on: July 24, 2012, 11:22:48 AM »
All the RAST testing came back normal (within normal ranges). I have several reactions that put in in the ER due to Shellfish. I was tested for lobster, clams, shrimp and tuna. 

Skin testing is now scheduled for Friday.

Does this ever happen? Can you get a negative blood test and positive skin test?

Offline CMdeux

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Re: Testing Question
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2012, 11:38:46 AM »
Does this ever happen? Can you get a negative blood test and positive skin test?

Absolutely.  It's even possible for both to be negative, though far less probable.

This is why I stated that with your history, any allergist SHOULD offer you an in-office food challenge if your skin test is negative.
Resistance isn't futile.  It's voltage divided by current. 

Western U.S.

Offline bramblef

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Re: Testing Question
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2012, 11:20:10 AM »
Back again.
Skin test was inconclusive. 

Allergist put me on daily certizine for allergy management and wants to see me in September.

A little frustrated as all my anapahalactic reactions had shellfish as the trigger, yet blood test was negative and skin test was in conclusive.