Food Allergy Support

Discussion Boards => Main Discussion Board => Topic started by: hk on May 11, 2014, 01:06:13 PM

Title: Need input ASAP
Post by: hk on May 11, 2014, 01:06:13 PM
I feel like an idiot,  but after waiting 8 years after dd started asking for one, we got a puppy on Friday.  I did a lot of research and dd spent some time with one of our puppy's siblings with (seemingly) no problem.

DD had a sore throat when I picked her up from school on Thursday, then developed congestion.  Can't remember if she was coughing or not.  Mainly sneezing and mucous, I think.  She has this Friday morning as well.  We drove 8 hours round trip to pick up the puppy and dd was coughing quite a bit by the time we got home.  I gave her albuterol that evening and several times yesterday.  I noticed her wheezing in the middle of the night. 

Other factors:  her seasonal allergies are peaking about now.  Very bad the past two weeks.  Her temperature is slightly elevated (100ish so not quite a fever).  She hasn't really wheezed in years - asthma is very well-controlled. 

She has also had several hives since picking up puppy.  I spent days finding dog food that does not contain her allergens.  Could be from the puppy or perhaps because puppy goes in the grass (she is highly allergic). 

I would really appreciate your thoughts on if the puppy is the likely culprit of the wheezing.  I'll take her in tomorrow, but I am really stressed out about this. 

Thanks and Happy Mother's Day!
Title: Re: Need input ASAP
Post by: momma2boys on May 11, 2014, 01:27:44 PM
The fact that she was having problems prior to picking up puppy and slight temp lead me to say viral.  Maybe give the puppy a bath in case it is something they used on it before you picked up. I would probably limit how many rooms the puppy goes in just in case.

I hope it isn't the puppy and she feels better soon! Pics??!!

Happy Mother's day!
Title: Re: Need input ASAP
Post by: CMdeux on May 11, 2014, 04:36:04 PM
That's what I think, too-- understand that if the puppy were consuming allergens just prior to you picking it up, it might still be shedding them for a few days-- and also that you'll need to decontaminate any surfaces that the puppy has spent a lot of time on.

Honestly, we went through this when we got our older dog.  DD was five, and I thought we had made the worst.decision.ever. after the first seventy-two hours, as her allergies ramped up and out of all control-- dumb me, it was the food, and it was also the fact that it was during peak grass pollen, timing-wise.  Add in illness on top?  Yeah, we'd be right where you are.

Saliva can be different from skin proteins, too-- so licking might be a MUCH bigger problem than just "contact" with a dog that doesn't lick.

Add a little more antihistamine, keep the puppy out of her bedroom (and the door closed) so that she can have an allergen-retreat just in case, and see what happens as she recovers from probable viral illness?

{{hugs}}  It'll probably be fine, but I know how stressed out you must be right now.  I remember that feeling all too well. 

Title: Re: Need input ASAP
Post by: GoingNuts on May 11, 2014, 04:41:41 PM
I agree with the above.  Though I know for DS the amount of time dogs spend outside (grass and pollen allergies come back inside with them  :tongue:) is a problem. 

Hopefully it is more viral than anything, and once that calms down her other symptoms will as well.

There really is some nasty URI stuff going around right now aside from allergies.  Add the two together, and it is just miserable.
Title: Re: Need input ASAP
Post by: TabiCat on May 11, 2014, 04:47:00 PM
Watch puppy care products. The grass may be an issue as well. The vet told my mom whose Great Dane is allergic to the grass that keeping it cut short would help, I wonder if it would help in this situation. Give puppy a good bath with a safe product. Vacuum rooms puppy has been in and limit it's access to DD's space. Hopefully this is all because she is not feeling well and not the puppy. 
Title: Re: Need input ASAP
Post by: CMdeux on May 11, 2014, 04:47:46 PM
Keep a bucket near your door with a few rags and a spray bottle in it-- that way you can wipe down the puppy when it comes back inside.  Just spritz the rag with some water, wipe down Fido, and into the wash with it.  If you run short of rags-- Home Depot painting supplies.

   We have only had to do that occasionally since DD was about eight, but until then, during peak grass pollen we needed to wipe down the Sheltie when she came back in from being out in the pollen soup.

Title: Re: Need input ASAP
Post by: YouKnowWho on May 11, 2014, 06:07:08 PM
I used baby wipes on the dog during pollen season  :hiding:

It worked for both him and us  :misspeak:
Title: Re: Need input ASAP
Post by: hk on May 11, 2014, 07:54:45 PM
Thank you all so much!  DH has come a long way with regard to dd's allergens, but he thinks I'm being ridiculous.  I knew some of you must have been through this.  Thanks for the great advice and for not thinking I'm crazy. 

The puppy is the sweetest little thing and I am really hoping this will work out. I will post a picture. 
Title: Re: Need input ASAP
Post by: momtoAidenDeclan on May 12, 2014, 09:58:06 AM
When my "allergy cup is full" and my dogs are in shedding mode, I start to not allergic to them but sometimes my body just can't take anymore pollutants!
That being said, sounds viral to me...
Good Luck!

Title: Re: Need input ASAP
Post by: twinturbo on May 12, 2014, 12:12:40 PM
Quote from: YouKnowWho on May 11, 2014, 06:07:08 PM
I used baby wipes on the dog during pollen season  :hiding:

It worked for both him and us  :misspeak:

He liked it, didn't he?