Food Allergy Support

Discussion Boards => Main Discussion Board => Topic started by: ajasfolks2 on March 21, 2013, 10:19:41 AM

Title: Emergency Food Supply 2013
Post by: ajasfolks2 on March 21, 2013, 10:19:41 AM
Please help update for current POSSIBLE (you must verify yourself, please!) sources for shelf-stable foods that are acceptable for PN/TN and also those that are Top-8 free (one, some, combo, all).

When you post, if you would state which allergens you must avoid that would help as well.

Additionally, anyone having to ALSO manage diabetes with LTFA and how to deconflict, that would be great as well.


Title: Re: Emergency Food Supply 2013
Post by: EmilyAnn on March 21, 2013, 11:48:40 AM
Thank you for this! We are not serious "preppers" or anything like that, but we do have a 72 hour kit of emergency food and supplies. Since my son was just diagnosed with a PN/TN allergy a few weeks ago I had not even thought about checking that food and making sure it is safe for him.
Title: Re: Emergency Food Supply 2013
Post by: CMdeux on March 21, 2013, 11:51:29 AM
Enjoy Life sunbutter crunch and cocoa loco bars-- top8 free, would need to check on sesame.

These are okay from a diabetes standpoint, but not 'awesome' as they are pretty high in carbs relative to protein and fiber.

We also use powdered vitamin water flavorings (would need to check on brands... can't think what they are right now and they are packed, so I can't check.  Sorry.)

Just Tomatoes-- there may be some soy risk, but you'd need to call and check.  VERY lightweight, shelf-stable lyophilized fruits, veggies, and soybeans (for those who are vegetarian or need shelf-stable safe protein source).

Safeway brand instant oatmeal packets--  check labels and call on specific allergens, but we use them and we're SFA, peanut, treenut, egg allergic.  These are also calcium fortified, which is a pretty big deal for shelf-stable foods.
Title: Re: Emergency Food Supply 2013
Post by: ajasfolks2 on March 23, 2013, 04:34:12 PM
Does anyone have any go-to soups that might work for these situations -- not just PN/TN, but dairy/egg too?  I'm wondering if trying to get soy free in soups is impossible?

Title: Re: Emergency Food Supply 2013
Post by: Macabre on March 23, 2013, 05:39:22 PM
We keep some Progresso vegetarian soups with a pull tab in the lock-down food stash at school. He is PA only.

I had to pack a Saturday lunch for him recently for an overnight Friday to Saturday school trip. Friday's meals were easy to pack, but Saturday lunch--ugh. I packed some a Campbell's tomato Soup on the Go. At his school he has a microwave, but I didn't know what the school he was going to would have. You don't have to heat it up. It's better, but you don't have to.