Food Allergy Support

Discussion Boards => Main Discussion Board => Topic started by: aggiedog on July 19, 2013, 05:34:34 PM

Title: Wanted to get into a throw down, but managed to back off
Post by: aggiedog on July 19, 2013, 05:34:34 PM
We dropped dd off at sleep away camp recently.  She is PA, but went thru OIT, so our level of anxiousness is much, much lower than back in the day.  That said, she still carries an epi pen.  We were in the camp office making sure what the procedures were for making sure she got her nightly PB dose.  A camp administrator guy (don't really know his role, but he was never introduced to us like the counselors were) who overheard about dd's PA.  He pipes up "Oh, I have PA too!.  I used to carry an epi, but you know, they go bad in the heat in the car, so liquid benadryl is SOOO much better.  It lasts forever."  He want on an on.  I was having a really hard time not going off.  I finally managed a polite "That's great as long as you're not actually in anaphylaxis."  and turned back around to talk to the head counselor.


Yes, I took a huge leap of faith that the rest of the staff were not idiots, but everyone else we talked to was very good about asking how we wanted to make sure dd had her epi's with her at all times.

Seriously.  Poor dh was ready to bolt and run.  He was already having issues letting dd go to camp anyways.  You'd have thought we were sending her unaccompanied to Mars.
Title: Re: Wanted to get into a throw down, but managed to back off
Post by: CMdeux on July 19, 2013, 05:59:21 PM
Good job to you for avoiding the well-deserved thumping on the noggin that this individual apparently deserved.   :dunce:
  Makes you wonder some days, though, doesn't it-- does this EVER get any easier??

Hope she has a great time.  And avoids "Doctor" Know-it-all, there.  ;)

Title: Re: Wanted to get into a throw down, but managed to back off
Post by: twinturbo on July 20, 2013, 11:11:36 AM
Congratulations on avoiding the bait by recognizing diminishing returns. The moment you acknowledge you might as well get that guy a stage and spotlight. Hope your dd has a good time at camp.
Title: Re: Wanted to get into a throw down, but managed to back off
Post by: aggiedog on July 21, 2013, 04:52:20 PM
She came home this weekend, and had a blast, and had no problems, and got her PB every night, so success all around.  :thumbsup:

They made t-shirts by painting the bottom of dead fish and stamping them to the shirts.  Nice.  She has a shark/skate/eel shirt.  So not the girly girl!