Food Allergy Support

Discussion Boards => Schools and Food Allergies => Topic started by: ajasfolks2 on August 27, 2014, 02:21:39 PM

Title: School staff phrases and our rebuttal suggestions
Post by: ajasfolks2 on August 27, 2014, 02:21:39 PM
I know we've have a thread like this in some way in the past . . . and some stuff is embedded in all sorts of older threads.  But I thought it might help to have a "clearinghouse" thread just dedicated to these darned phrases and excuses from school staff, nurse, admin when they really do NOT "get it" or are unwilling to accommodate appropriately.

I've put a beginning list of "School" sayings . . . please feel free to add your own or modify if need be.  Then, if you've got good comeback or way of handling, please quote the "school saying" and add your "parent response".
(You can run the whole list if you'd like!)


"We've always done it this way."

"Banning peanuts (_______ allergen) leads to a false sense of security, according to _____ (FAAN, peanut industry, "doctor")."

"How do you go out into public, then?"

"We don't do 504s for food allergies."

"Your child just needs an ICHP / IHP."  (Individual Health Care Plan / Individual Health Plan)

"But we can't tell the other parents they can't celebrate their child's birthday at school."

"No cupcakes (or __________ food) is unfair to the other children."

"We've never had a child have allergic reaction in our school."

"We cannot do anything about the PTA / PTO."

"Your child can just sit out in the hall for that event / lesson ."


"Your child can just go to the library for that event / lesson."

((or)) "Your child can just opt out of that event / lesson."

"We'll always give a choice of candy or a pencil.  That way your child will always have something safe to choose."

"Mints are always passed out during testing."

"Your child needs to learn to deal with it (exclusion, bullying, etc)."

"We just don't have time to wash hands."

"You will have to supply us with a 'safe treat' box and keep it stocked for your child so that when treats come in, he will have something to eat."

~ ~ ~

I don't mind if folks vent a bit with some tongue-in-cheek responses and sarcasm.  But we really do need a thread that has some constructive answers and help (include citations, if helpful.)  Feel free to put a thread link to discussion HERE for a particular comment or situation.

Title: Re: School staff phrases and our rebuttal suggestions
Post by: ajasfolks2 on August 27, 2014, 02:24:49 PM
"We don't do 504s for food allergies."

"Your child just needs an ICHP / IHP."  (Individual Health Care Plan / Individual Health Plan)

Possible parent response:  "You are mandated to determine 504 eligibility and then develop a plan according to Section 504 for disability such as life-threatening food allergies."

He doesn't need a 504 - an IHP will act as his 504  (,6927.0.html)

Title: Re: School staff phrases and our rebuttal suggestions
Post by: ajasfolks2 on August 27, 2014, 02:30:36 PM
So, krap, I missed that Links had this already started in slightly different format.

Here is her link, so let's pull from that to here and then she can include things from here that she wants in that thread?

I don't want to merge as this was meant as more of a "working thread" vs a resource as she's got going.

504 index - Dealing with Obstacles and School Shenanigans  (,8320.0.html)
Title: Re: School staff phrases and our rebuttal suggestions
Post by: ajasfolks2 on August 27, 2014, 02:31:38 PM
"But Gingerbread Houses (fill in own event) are a TRADITION in our school and we cannot change that!"