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Discussion Boards => Allergy Research & News => Topic started by: ajasfolks2 on October 27, 2011, 10:35:43 AM

Title: TV story -- Nebraska & parent request for peanut free table
Post by: ajasfolks2 on October 27, 2011, 10:35:43 AM
This is link to print story online.  There is video there too & possiblity for comments still. (

OMAHA, Neb. -- Bellevue Elementary Principal Robert Ingram said Sunday they discussed how to minimize the health risks presented by students' peanut allergies.
Kim Johnson, mother of pre-schooler Jayden Johnson, 4, said she voiced out her concern over the potential threat that peanut poses to her child if he unknowingly ingests some in school.
"I had asked the question, 'Is this a peanut-free school?' and I was told that it wasn't. My son would actually eat at a table with other children, and they do serve peanut butter and jelly sandwich at the school cafeteria," Johnson said.
Ingram said he is aware of the danger of peanuts as his own son is also allergic.
"We had to be careful with the lunch menu ourselves, look in advance and plan the meals from home. We did this as a family," Ingram said.
Because of this, Ingram said he is considering Johnson's suggestion of having peanut-free tables at the cafeteria.
"The idea of (peanut-free tables) is a new one for me. But my mind is open to that if we need to do that, and yes, I'm willing to do that," Ingram said.
Bellevue Public Schools said it does not have a blanket policy on peanut allergies, special accommodations are made by schools.
School districts across the metro are making similar accommodations. At Papillion-Lavista and at elementary schools in Millard, no peanut products are found on the menu.
At Omaha Public Schools, Tammy Yarmon, the director of nutrition services, said the district also works on a student-by-student basis.
"One of the things principals have done is made parents aware that there are students who have peanut allergies in the building, while some schools ask parents not to send peanut butter and jelly to students," Yarmon said.
However, Dr. Lars Vanderbur, of Children's Physicians Pediatric Practice, said he does not believe schools need wide-ranging restrictions to address peanut allergies.
"I don't think the numbers (for those with peanut allergies) are really increasing and the severity is not changing. I think our perception and proactive nature are the ones increasing," Vanderbur said.
Vanderbur said about one in 10 children has a food allergy, and while some fade with age, peanut allergies usually continue for life.

Thoughts?  Comments?

(I'm holding my water right now . . . )

Title: Re: TV story -- Nebraska & parent request for peanut free table
Post by: CMdeux on October 28, 2011, 12:32:04 PM

Well, the principal's comment about having his own PA experience...


That in and of itself strikes me as being about as valid as saying that I'm qualified to offer obstetrical advice by virtue of having had a baby.

Title: Re: TV story -- Nebraska & parent request for peanut free table
Post by: ajasfolks2 on October 28, 2011, 07:53:21 PM

Amen, sista.

More I'd like to say . . . still trying to figure out how to say it without it being another "shot across the bough"

I'm just really so FREAKING FED UP with the misinformation and sweeping generalizations so far as managing this in schools.

Needing the bang head on brick wall emoticon.  Looks like not there right now?