Food Allergy Support

Discussion Boards => Mfrs. & Packaged Food => Topic started by: joshsmom on December 01, 2011, 02:09:44 PM

Title: Fun Dip Lip Gloss - similar to Lip Smackers
Post by: joshsmom on December 01, 2011, 02:09:44 PM
Was suprised to find a container of 12 different flavored lip gloss that states on label: nut and gluten free. Hope manufacterers make more products like these. Also, there was no sesame oil in these, just mineral oil. I bought them for my dd who is gluten free. There was another product there that also had to same allergy statement. Can't remember that brand. I purchased these at Marshalls.
Title: Re: Fun Dip Lip Gloss - similar to Lip Smackers
Post by: Six on December 01, 2011, 02:22:40 PM
Cool!  Thanks for posting that info - we don't have Marshalls up here yet but it's coming.  Our 'Winners' stores are carrying some already tagged "Marshalls" items so I'm going to have a look there incase they have them on hand already.
Title: Re: Fun Dip Lip Gloss - similar to Lip Smackers
Post by: joshsmom on December 01, 2011, 02:34:12 PM
I think I have seen similar packaging of these lip gloss at Walmart last Christmas but they didn't have the allergy statement then. I would check there. Do you have a TJ Maxx? Sometimes they carry the same items since they are owned by the same company.
Title: Re: Fun Dip Lip Gloss - similar to Lip Smackers
Post by: Jessica on December 02, 2011, 04:43:59 AM
Thanks! I'll have to look at Walmart for these. We don't have a Marshalls or TJ Maxx nearby. If I can find the ones with the nut free statement these would make great stocking stuffers.
Title: Re: Fun Dip Lip Gloss - similar to Lip Smackers
Post by: Six on December 02, 2011, 07:52:21 AM
No TJ Maxx either but Walmart is a great idea since I do remember seeing similar products in the past and passed by them - but armed with the info from you about the new labels to look for, I'm going to start checking our Walmarts, Zellers & our Shoppers Drug Marts as they typically carry similar cosmetic type products as TJ Maxx & Marshalls do.
Title: Re: Fun Dip Lip Gloss - similar to Lip Smackers
Post by: hk on December 05, 2011, 07:09:02 PM
Thanks for posting!  I'm looking for stocking stuffer lip gloss and it's hard to find them without sesame oil.
Title: Re: Fun Dip Lip Gloss - similar to Lip Smackers
Post by: Jessica on December 09, 2011, 10:26:46 PM
No luck finding these so far. Has anyone seen them online?
Title: Re: Fun Dip Lip Gloss - similar to Lip Smackers
Post by: joshsmom on March 03, 2012, 09:26:25 PM
FYI: These are now at the store 5 BELOW. Packs of 12 with a tag that states gluten and nut free. I saw Runts, Fun Dip and a few others.