Food Allergy Support

Discussion Boards => Main Discussion Board => Topic started by: SkyRibbons on October 10, 2013, 08:23:35 PM

Title: How often to visit the allergist after age 18?
Post by: SkyRibbons on October 10, 2013, 08:23:35 PM
My daughter is now 18.  We would visit the allergist every summer, but basically nothing has changed in the last few years.  She's not in high school, so no allergy forms need to be filled out.  The office sent us a reminder to schedule a visit.  How often does she need to go?
Title: Re: How often to visit the allergist after age 18?
Post by: Janelle205 on October 10, 2013, 09:13:45 PM
My brother, who is now 19, goes twice a year.  He is just environmental allergy maintenance and very mild asthma though, he outgrew his FAs long ago.  Allergist does flu shots for him every 6 months.

I have FAs and asthma, and go every 2-3 months, but this is more for asthma management and prescriptions - I'm on maintenance pred and a controlled substance.
Title: Re: How often to visit the allergist after age 18?
Post by: GoingNuts on October 11, 2013, 06:35:43 AM
Good question, SR.   I think Mr. Sinai recommended every 2 years, unless he needs to get his inhalers, etc. renewed - which his pediatrician did (until this year, since he aged out.  We need to find another MD.).

With so many allergy meds being OTC now, it's really eliminated the need for a yearly allergist exam for lots of folks.
Title: Re: How often to visit the allergist after age 18?
Post by: SilverLining on October 11, 2013, 08:33:20 AM
I don't go.

My GP is willing to write my scripts, so as long as nothing changes he's willing to do it this way.

My son (insect, mold, cats) also doesn't see an allergist regularly.  When there is a concern we go.  But the allergist preferred to not repeatedly do scratch tests because every scratch is another exposure.

If that cat shot gets worked out, I would really like him to get it, but it will be his choice.
Title: Re: How often to visit the allergist after age 18?
Post by: krasota on October 11, 2013, 11:52:57 AM
I went once a year while I was in college (visits home in the summer).  At some point it petered out.  My GP is willing to write my epi-pen and inhaler 'scripts. I went to see the allergist a few times after my son was born when some new reactions/allergies surfaced.