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Discussion Boards => Allergy Research & News => Topic started by: littlenuts on November 08, 2013, 06:01:21 PM

Title: Boy may have been cured of peanut allergy with bone marrow transplant
Post by: littlenuts on November 08, 2013, 06:01:21 PM (
Title: Re: Boy may have been cured of peanut allergy with bone marrow transplant
Post by: Macabre on November 09, 2013, 07:55:56 AM
Wow. That is really interesting. I hope it helps us make progress in determining why the increase in FA and a (different) treatment.
Title: Re: Boy may have been cured of peanut allergy with bone marrow transplant
Post by: littlenuts on November 09, 2013, 06:29:40 PM
I thought so too. I think it says in this article (or I read someplace else after googling it, I don't remember), that this isn't the first time people have been cured of allergy after a bone marrow transplant.
Of course a transplant isn't a reasonable treatment, but perhaps knowing this will lead to new research.
Title: Re: Boy may have been cured of peanut allergy with bone marrow transplant
Post by: CMdeux on November 10, 2013, 10:30:04 AM
I'm finding it rather frustrating that case studies like this one get so much mainstream press, while the rest of the conference is garnering SO little.

I mean, I get that this is a LOVELY story in addition to being pretty interesting, but truthfully, there's nothing very surprising about this given that the organ donation-food allergy transference has been known about WELL for over a decade.  This clearly is not a "cure" for most people, any more than the possibility of getting  a shellfish allergy WITH your new liver is a reason to turn down a transplant.

There was a lot of other interesting stuff happening at this particular conference.     I posted a few press releases from it up in Main. :)