Food Allergy Support

Discussion Boards => Schools and Food Allergies => Topic started by: ajasfolks2 on June 10, 2014, 07:53:21 AM

Title: Middle School Fieldtrips
Post by: ajasfolks2 on June 10, 2014, 07:53:21 AM
There seem to be middle school field trips that are to theme / ride parks like Hershey Park in PA or Kings' Dominion in VA.

I'm pretty unthrilled about these, personally . . . outside of the food allergies.  Especially in our area, with ALL the magnificent places of historical significance and natural beauty to visit, I'm rather disgusted that this is the "cop out" end-of-year (or beginning of year) field trip.

((My frame of reference as to what I did growing up:  5th and 6th grade we had week long -- 5 days -- field trips on school bus -- and we toured all over the northern part of Nevada to see historical sites and scientific sites.  Stayed in school gyms and slept on floor in sleeping bags.  I think we ate from school cafeterias too . . . but don't recall all those details.  No long fieldtrips in 7th.  8th grade there was a week long trip -- for honor society only, I think -- to a nearby mountain primitive retreat / camp where we did lots of team building and other educational-type activities, plus hiking.  All those years we were just a few hours from Disney and other "theme" parks in California, and we NEVER had trips to those as part of school.))

So, for the kids these days and the schools taking them to theme park fieldtrips, what is the point of these so far as the school is concerned?  What are the learning objectives?  How does this fit in with curriculum? 

I really am asking.  Can someone help me with this?


Title: Re: Middle School Fieldtrips
Post by: momtoAidenDeclan on June 10, 2014, 07:56:17 AM
Our schools can't do a field trip unless they can prove it's educational - 5th grade went to King's Dominion, but that is where the chorus competition was held...took part in that and then the kids were able to do the park the rest of the day.

I'd be tempted to call the board of ed to ask what the prerequisite for a field trip is??
Title: Re: Middle School Fieldtrips
Post by: ajasfolks2 on June 10, 2014, 08:00:22 AM
I'm sure they are billing it as "independence" and "life skills" in some fashion.  Yes, they can possibly test those skills at the theme parks.  This is a school that has sent the 8th graders to Hershey for many years, is my understanding.  (So, faux-tradition at its finest.)  That means it has been submitted and approved as to it appropriateness and applicability by the school district.

Hershey Park is incredibly food-centric.

It is not a place our family would pick to go, spend pile of cash, or eat.

Title: Re: Middle School Fieldtrips
Post by: ajasfolks2 on June 10, 2014, 08:11:21 AM
For example, here are some of the rules that I can find online for field trips in our district:

The trip must make a unique contribution to the accomplishment of specific objectives of the course of study, classroom activity, or co-curricular club activity and/or provides special training that can be accomplished best at a location away from school. . . .

. . . confirm that the trip is part of a planned sequence of educational activities and is appropriate for the age of the students. . . .

At the middle and high school level three additional areas that must be considered when planning a field trip are
a. the number of students who will be missing direct instruction by the teacher who is on the field trip
b. the number of classes that are disrupted because of the absence of students who are on the field trip
c. the time students and teachers on the field trip will be missing from classes
. . . .

Student accountability, supervision, and safety are of utmost importance.
a. One teacher, coach, or staff member shall accompany each class or group of students on a field trip or when traveling to a contest or competition.
b. Additional adult chaperons should be provided on the basis of at least one adult to each ten (10) students.
c. Elementary students should have no unsupervised time while on a trip.
d. Middle and high school students may have limited unsupervised time while on a trip. . . .

Title: Re: Middle School Fieldtrips
Post by: ajasfolks2 on June 10, 2014, 08:13:47 AM
. . . have found a tidbit somewhere that I did not realize . . . seems this may be in conjunction with a band concert or competition and so the entire grade goes, not just the band members . . .

hmmmmmm . . .