Food Allergy Support

Discussion Boards => Main Discussion Board => Topic started by: MaryM on July 30, 2014, 11:52:59 AM

Title: Bee stings
Post by: MaryM on July 30, 2014, 11:52:59 AM
DH is about 2 hours away at a Marketing Event for work.  A bee flew into his mouth and stung him.  He says it hurts a lot but he is ok.  He happens to be sitting with a man who is PA so he has access to an Epi if needed.  Would a reaction happen quickly with a bee sting?  I'd like him to go to the ER but he says he is ok.  Any opinions or advice?
Title: Re: Bed stings
Post by: GingerPye on July 30, 2014, 12:12:32 PM
all I know is that bee stings hurt like the dickens, and in the mouth?  wow.  That would be painful.  But I have no experience with allergic reactions to bee stings. 
Title: Re: Bed stings
Post by: becca on July 30, 2014, 12:33:32 PM
Does he have a known bee sting allergy?  (btw, I edited your title to bee stings.)

Title: Re: Bee stings
Post by: MaryM on July 30, 2014, 12:41:14 PM
No allergy as far as we know.  He said the EMT came to check on him - he's at a minor league baseball game.  He's ok just in pain.

Thanks for editing becca :)
Title: Re: Bee stings
Post by: becca on July 30, 2014, 12:46:49 PM
With no history of allergy, I would wait and see.  If anything started swelling, I would get help ASAP.  Dd had an iffy reaction to a sting last summer.  her finger(which was stung)  swelled and she had red streaks up her arm.  It resolved with Benadryl, but we left the beach and stayed in our condo watching her, so if we needed to epi and get help, we were accessible vs the beach. 
Title: Re: Bee stings
Post by: MaryM on July 30, 2014, 12:54:06 PM
It's in his mouth   :misspeak: but it's been an hour and he is ok.  He is on his way home.  Ill feel better once he gets home.
Title: Re: Bee stings
Post by: SilverLining on July 30, 2014, 01:50:40 PM
With stings my son reacts immediately. (Hasn't been anaphylactic, but definitely allergic.)

With bites, not as immediate.

Hope your DH is OK and home soon.  (For your peace of mind, because you will worry until he's there.)
Title: Re: Bee stings
Post by: becca on July 30, 2014, 02:14:14 PM
Ouch in the mouth!  Our childhood dog used to eat bees, snap at them and got stung several times doing that.  You would think he would learn!  But never any bad reactions to it.  Just yips and discomfort. 
Title: Re: Bee stings
Post by: GoingNuts on July 30, 2014, 04:34:11 PM
In the mouth???  Yeeesh, that is the pits.

Glad he appears to be OK.  But really, yikes. :disappointed:
Title: Re: Bee stings
Post by: MaryM on July 30, 2014, 04:35:59 PM
He's home.  Thank goodness.  He seems fine.
Title: Re: Bee stings
Post by: Janelle205 on July 30, 2014, 07:00:19 PM
Glad he is doing well.

Our caretaker at camp had an unfortunate incident with multiple hornet stings on his hands and arms a few days ago.  He is still massively swollen.